27-28 Feb 2025 Montpellier (France)


The International Consumer Law Association and the Laboratory LICeM (Innovation, Communication and Market) have joined forces for this European consumer Law congress to be held in Montpellier on February 27 and 28, 2025. Welcoming researchers and practitioners from around the world, representing 18 nationalities, it is an opportunity to compare and discuss the different approaches of States in market regulation and consumer protection, as well as to remember the place of Professor Jean Calais-Auloy's work in consumer Law and its influence beyond France. The work presented will be dealing with consumer information, new consumption practices and unfair commercial practices, interventions on free subjects and in homage to the work of Professor Jean Calais-Auloy.
The consumer relationship is naturally an unbalanced relationship, between a professional whose economic interests justify efforts and a consumer constrained by his lesser knowledge or his immediate needs, his impulses etc. Informing the consumer about his rights is therefore an essential issue to ensure the effectiveness of consumer Law: in this area, the means used are multiple and the channels of dissemination diverse: codification, websites, consultations of consumer associations, explanations by public authorities, mediation of representatives of professionals etc. In addition, and due to the emergence of new technologies, new modes of consumption appear, whether they are initiated by consumers, public authorities or professionals. These new offers can give rise to new practices, sometimes unfair, sometimes difficult to understand, for which ordinary consumer Law may, or may not, prove effective in regulating the market and protecting consumers.


Participation to the debates is open to all, but upon prior registration [contact.cedc2425@gmail.com]. The debates will also be broadcast live on the video channel of the Faculté de Droit et de Science politique de Montpellier.

Presentations in French will be simultaneously translated into English.

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